The Matthew Filipowicz Show

Episode 145 of the Matthew Filipowicz Show is now available to stream and download.

Coming up on today’s show, we have Kade Crockford from the ACLU of Massachusetts back on the show discuss what we know about Trapwire and the problems with for-profit companies spying on Americans.

We also have Greg Kaufmann from the Nation Magazine's This Week In Poverty back on the show to discuss how Pennsylvania knocked 91,000 children off of Medicaid and to give us an update on the Houston janitors strike.

We'll also discuss how Congressman Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" controversy is part of a disturbing trend of mainstreaming extreme ideas in the GOP's War On Women.

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Our writer/performer today is Kate Ward.

Remember, you can subscribe and podcast the show for free on iTunes and at  You can follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.  You call the listener hotline at 617-855-TMFS.  You can support the show by becoming a member.  We have new shows every Tuesday and Thursday.

Direct download: The_Matthew_Filipowicz_Show_145.mp3
Category:The Matthew Filipowicz Show -- posted at: 9:31am EDT