The Matthew Filipowicz Show

Episode 40 of the Matthew Filipowicz Show, is now available to stream and download.

Coming up on today’s show, we have the host of the Young Turks, our good friend Cenk Uygur back on the show to talk about his departure from MSNBC and why those who say liberals need to “grow up” should perhaps listen to their own advice.

We also have America’s #1 Populist Jim Hightower here to give us the inside scoop on Texas Governor Rick Perry.

Plus, 90’s comedian Connie Howe is back on the show to give us her solution to the endangered species problem.

We'll also discuss Hershey's Chocolate exploiting foreign workers... inside the U.S.!

Our writer/performer today is Lauren Maul.

Remember, you can subscribe and podcast the show for free on iTunes and at  You can follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.  You call the listener hotline at 617-855-TMFS.  You can support the show by becoming a member.  We have new shows every Tuesday and Thursday.

Direct download: The_Matthew_Filipowicz_Show_40.mp3
Category:The Matthew Filipowicz Show -- posted at: 11:00am EDT