The Matthew Filipowicz Show

Episode 48 of the Matthew Filipowicz Show is now available to stream and download.

Coming up on today’s show, we have the news editor for Mother Jones Magazine, Nick Baumann on the show to talk about the GOP’s shocking plan to change the election rules in Pennsylvania to beat Obama, as well as his latest article on the FBI using foreign governments to interrogate American citizens overseas.

We also have the founder of the awesome website Crooks and Liars, John Amato, here to talk about the Republican history of voter suppression and how sports talk radio is an untapped market for Democratic politicians.

Plus we’ll also be debuting a brand new segment, Marilyn And Matt In The Morning.

We'll also be discuss how Ron Paul's former campaign manager died penniless without healthcare at age 49.

Our writer/performer today is Lauren Maul.

Remember, you can subscribe and podcast the show for free on iTunes and at  You can follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.  You call the listener hotline at 617-855-TMFS.  You can support the show by becoming a member.  We have new shows every Tuesday and Thursday.

Direct download: The_Matthew_Filipowicz_Show_48.mp3
Category:The Matthew Filipowicz Show -- posted at: 12:51pm EDT