Thu, 19 March 2015
Coming up on today's show we have the Antonia Juhasz back on the show to discuss how BP got off for the Gulf oil disaster and how offshore drilling just got more dangerous. We have Katie Klabusich back on the show to discuss how the pro-life movement re-framed “life” to suit their agenda. We'll discuss Missouri executing a man missing part of his frontal lobe, and how other states are going back to the electric chair, gas chamber and firing squad. Plus, we have TMFS comedian Bob Rok here to discuss how Florida officials banned the term climate change. Would you like a free, signed copy of the new book Laughing Liberally: Letters To The American Voter? Support the show with a click of the mouse! Donate a post on your Twitter or Facebook today! Remember, you can subscribe and podcast the show for free on iTunes, Sticher and at You can follow the show on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. You can watch live video on our YouTube channel. You call the listener hotline at 617-855-TMFS. You can support the show by becoming a member. We have new shows every Tuesday and Thursday.
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Category:The Matthew Filipowicz Show -- posted at: 8:48am EST |