The Matthew Filipowicz Show

Episode 143 of the Matthew Filipowicz Show is now available to stream and download.

Coming up on today’s show, we have comedian and writer Bill Corbett from Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Rifftrax here to discuss the art of movie riffing and doing Manos: The Hands of Fate live.

We also have writer, activist and oil policy analyst Antonia Juhasz back on the show to discuss the cost and consequences of the Chevron refinery fire in California.

We'll also discuss Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his Vice Presidential running mate and how President Obama's attempts at cutting the social safety net make his re-election more difficult.

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Our writer/performer today is Bob Rok.

Remember, you can subscribe and podcast the show for free on iTunes and at  You can follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.  You call the listener hotline at 617-855-TMFS.  You can support the show by becoming a member.  We have new shows every Tuesday and Thursday.

Direct download: The_Matthew_Filipowicz_Show_143.mp3
Category:The Matthew Filipowicz Show -- posted at: 10:26am EDT